F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter











The next meeting will be on Jan.4th. 2009 at the Warren County Fairgrounds at 6:00.


Thanks to Donna Williams for all her hard work in planning the Christmas party!

Also thank you to all who helped with the party. The food was great and everyone

there had a very good time.Congratulations to Dave Volkman.. Member of the year!


A reminder: You have until Jan. 21st. to let me know if you still want to be a member

of the club. If you paid at our show or after you are a member until our next show in

Sept. 2009. I will be making a new roster the end of Jan. so let me know by email or

telephone. Hshale806@aol.com or 513.899.3246. Thanks!


Some members have told me they can’t get their newsletters open on their computers

 because of the way I send them. You might try going to our farm website. The newsletter

 is always on the website. If you can get it this way, let me know and I will not have to

 send it out by mail. We are going to try to cut down on the cost of mailing and the

time it takes to send out newsletters. Thanks..


Get well wishes to: Mary Oeder who has been in the hospital with pneumonia.

Charlie Charlton who fell on the ice and broke his shoulder blade.

And Ron Loesche who had a knee replacement.  

Also get well wishes to anyone else that I do not know about!


If you have any questions please contact one of our directors:

Glenn Williams at gwilliams40@cinci.rr.com or 513.398.6739

Jerry Collins at 513.932.2486

Jim Hurst at 513.877.2765 or check our website: thefarmclub.org

Happy New Year!!!!

Sandy at hshale806@aol.com   513.899.3246